Frequently asked questions.
How does EngineerUp work?
Review the services provided on the Services Page and decide which one best suits your project.
On each individual services page is a list of states. These are the states in which EngineerUp currently has available professionals. Click the appropriate state where your project is located.
A list of professionals will populate with a brief description. Click on the image of the professional you’re interested in.
You can then review the professionals full resume and contact them if you think it’s a good fit.
The rest is between you and the professional!
Are EngineerUp members employed by EngineerUp?
No. EngineerUp creates a database of independent engineers and civil professionals to connect them with customers with relevant projects. Once EngineerUp makes the connection, the remainder of the project is between the customer and engineer/professional.
What happens after I find an engineer I need on EngineerUp?
Once an engineer profile is selected, the customer will contact the engineer. Then the engineer and customer should discuss the project to ensure that both parties understand the expectations. After that, a contract or agreement is recommended to execute the necessary scope of work. There is no requirement to follow-up with EngineerUp after the customer and engineer connect.
How do I know if the services facilitated by EngineerUp fit my project?
Check out our services page that identifies each service and a list of possible project types. You can review engineer profiles to determine if they’ve completed similar projects. If you’re unsure which service would fit your project, you can always contact us ( and we would be happy to review your project details and recommend a potential service.
How much will I be charged for my project?
EngineerUp does not receive payment for any professional services provided to the customer. We do not establish any cost structure associated with the design work. All fees and costs are established by the engineer or professional independently of EngineerUp.