Need an Engineer?
Civil/Site Engineers
Civil/Site Engineers are among the most commonly sought after engineers, as they have a well-rounded understanding of all aspects of civil engineering. These engineers commonly engage all other specialties when doing larger projects. They will know what and who you need for more complicated projects and are proficient at site layouts, drainage, roadway layout, traffic assessment, etc.
Civil Structural
Structural Engineering is the practice of engineering that can accommodate all structures to ensure that they are stable. Find a structural engineer if you want to modify any structural walls, build a deck, construct a building, or stabilize or reinforce footings. Structural engineers can also run overall projects; however, structural engineering is considered more of a specialty.
Environmental/ Permitting
Anytime you’re impacting a waterway, the federal government will expect to see permits. Environmental Permitting Specialists know these federal processes inside and out. They specialize in identifying wetlands, environmental hazards, and endangered species. These specialties are used in preparing the necessary permits for the US Army Corp of Engineers.
CADD Professional
A CADD professional can help create a structural or site layout, identify utilities, and process any survey. These drawings are typically used for a construction project; however, for individuals that just need an added visual benefit, they can also prepare renderings to show you what your project may look like when complete.
Architects provide a balance between efficient layouts and design aesthetics. They can perform many of the same services as a civil/site engineer, but they will take your vision to the next level by creating details of project aesthetics and picking out various products to match that vision. If you’re working on a project that has a keen need to make a place feel a certain way, find an architect.
Surveyors collect and analyze information out in the field. This is often the first part of a larger project, but can also be needed to identify property lines, existing building locations, and utility locations. This information can be laid out on a plan drawing so you know exactly where important elements are above and below ground.
Hydraulics / Permitting
Hydraulic engineers can be very helpful when determining the flow of water — either in a stream, over ground, or under a bridge. Additionally, they can prepare the necessary hydraulics and permitting when you need to do work in a mapped floodway and a DNR permit is required for construction.