Find an environmental permitting specialist.
What do environmental permitting specialists do?
Permits can be complicated to obtain and often require the help of environmental permitting specialists or hydraulic engineers.
Permits are most often required when impacting a waterway. The most common permits are the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule and the 404 United States Army Corp of Engineers (UASCE) permit.
As part of this process, these specialists understand limits of wetlands, endangered species, hazardous material impacts to sites and in some cases, archaeology as well.
Why might I need a permitting specialist?
When it comes to your home building project, it isn’t uncommon to impact a jurisdictional wetland or waterway. Therefore, you will need a federal permit in accordance with the Clean Water Act:
Section 401 Permit – Water Quality Certification of Discharge
Section 404 Permit – Discharge of Dredged or Fill Materials into US Waterways
Additional Services environmental permitting specialists provide are:
Assessing wetlands and their limits.
Identifying endangered species in an area.
Identifying hazardous material sites.
Archaeology and/or Soil Quality