Find a Hydraulic/Permitting specialist.
What do Hydraulic/ Permitting Specialists do?
EngineerUp breaks out permitting into two groups: Environmental scientists that perform wetland impacts and prepare IDEM & Corp permits, and hydraulic engineers that can analyze hydrology and hydraulic permitting.
Hydraulic Permitting Specialists are engineers that can analyze the flow of water. Sometimes that requires specialized permits if you are impacting a floodway. This specialty allows specialists to analyze hydrology and hydraulics of the landscape and prepare floodway permitting.
Why might I need a hydraulic permitting specialist?
Hydraulic specialists can be used for the some of the following reasons:
Understanding stream flows and potential flood impacts of a waterway
Identifying the highest flood elevation that could impact your property. (This can be needed in an area where you require flood insurance)
DNR Floodway Permit – Construction in a Floodway Permit (Requirements vary by State)
Design of scour protection measures to stop embankments from eroding away.